
Unified retail software for electronics stores

An all-in-one business management platform that keeps you ahead of the game.

Minimize stock while maximizing
product availability, cut operational
costs, drive customers back and always
have everything under control
Unifi your processes

Control all your business processes, including purchasing, warehouses, CRM, store sales,
distribution, franchises, and financials, in one platform.

Unify your channels

Manage within one software sales, inventory, prices, campaigns, and offers for your physical and online stores.

Unify you information

Get a single point of truth about your inventory, operations and customers, and access data and reports from anywhere.

Tailored for electronics retailers

Keep stock levels balanced, so you have whatcustomers want without piling up stock thatwill quickly become outdated.

Easily manage general items and specialorders, for example for custom computerbuilds.

Sell services like repairs and managebookings, like consultations with yourin-house tech, or seats to a photographyworkshop, at any point of sale

Keep your customer at the center

Offer a seamless omni-channel experienceand let customers to click and collect, shoponline and buy offline in any store.

Boost satisfaction and increase return visitswith loyalty programs and personalizedoffers in store and online.

Simplify the warranty and returns processfor you and your customer: in LS Central,you can track items using serial numbers,barcodes, or alternative identifiers.

Make your employees’ job easier

Help your staff offer outstanding customerservice by giving them full visibility overproduct information and inventory.

Process sales and perform inventoryfunctions including ordering, counting, andreceiving, on handheld devices.

Get easy and quick access to sales data,reports, and analytics anywhere.

Centralized control

Manage items and customers, and set prices,offers and promotions centrally for all yourtouchpoints, both online and in-store.

Follow up on your KPIs and gain insights fromLS Central’s reporting and analytics tools, forfast, effective decision-making.

Automate processes to eliminate errors andincrease efficiency.

Scale your brand with confidence: LSCentral is available in multiple languagesand localizations and fully supports yourambitions..

Manage your stock optimally

Minimize inventory while reducingout of stocks with a mix of manual andautomated replenishment.

Have a clear overview over the historyof each item you sell including currentand past prices, active offers, itemprofitability, and expected stock levelsat the end of the season.

Find out how long stock will last you,understand which items are under- andover-stocked, to always get the rightstock coverage.

Distribute stock smartly based onthe needs and capacity of each store.LS Central helps you optimize bothquantity and mix of products.

Buy stock based on both currentinventory and expected sales usingthe intelligent demand planningfunctionality in LS Central.

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